Grand Rapids man plants 8,000 tulips in front yard

GRAND RAPIDS, ME. – Myles Lawton loves tulips so much that he planted 8,000 of them in his front yard. It’s hard to miss them on the corner of Plainfield and Comstock.

“I look a little crazy, but that’s okay,” Lawton said.

Lawton loves the looks on people’s faces when they visit his garden. But this year he was afraid his tulips wouldn’t make it.

“Within two days, Mother Nature could be like, ‘oh hey, we’re going to freeze,'” Lawton said.

This is exactly what happened to Myles last year. But he spent too much time digging the path to line his sidewalk with tulips. So Myles continued his best fight against frost: he covered all of his tulips with sheets.

“It looked like ghosts were hiding all over my front yard,” Lawton said.

Hidden safely and warmly, his tulips were still blooming as beautifully as he had hoped.

It’s similar in Holland. The traditional parade does not take place. Instead, they offer guided tours and a more personalized approach.

“We’re really much more focused on the tulips, the community and the heritage,” said Gwen Auwerda, Executive Director of Tulip Time.

Executive Director Gwen Auwerda says: While some traditional “Tulip Time” events may not be the same, they give people a glimpse.

“Since we can’t dance Dutch this year, you can look at the costumes,” said Auwerda.

Find out more about how to safely experience Tulip Time this year.

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