Why we use augmented virtual reality in the classroom

ANN ARBOR – Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are not the same thing. There is some overlap between AR and VR, but each field tries to achieve something different conceptually.

AR expands your field of vision, but doesn’t overtake it. PC Mag’s Will Greenwald wrote, “AR displays can offer something as simple as a data overlay that shows the time and something as complicated as holograms floating in the middle of a room.” Think: Pokemon Go.

VR, however, “take it completely[s] about your vision to give you the impression that you are somewhere else, ”says Greenwald. If your VR headset were turned off because it completely covered your eyes, you would not be able to see.

Just think: wear an Oculus Rift headset and go on a virtual excursion to Mars.

Learning by experience is simply more unforgettable


Matthew Bergholt, who was the class teacher, now serves national Lutheran schools as the online support and services manager. He describes AR and VR in the classroom as “the ultimate example of experiential learning”. Experiential learning helps create meaning for key issues. “

If students can visualize what they are learning, the concepts will persist. If you can “drop” a student almost anywhere throughout the story, empathy is built. For example, Concordia nursing students can use AR and VR to improve their bedtime style and skills.

AR and VR improve the content and can add to mastery

Students can imagine almost anything, from the inner workings of the aorta to the pilot. AR and VR evoke a sense of wonder and critical thinking and allow students to immerse themselves in the selected content.

Cindy Fenske, Concordia University Vice President for Academics, works with the Center for Simulation and Innovation and is Chair of the Department of Nursing. Fenske loves to integrate AR and VR into the curriculum.


“Our AR and VR will be accessible to a single student, a group of students in the same or different locations, and / or visible to any number of students in a classroom,” she said. “Students can take the AR / VR module as often as necessary to master the material. We believe the addition of AR / VR will improve learning and retention for everyone. “

Would you like to know more?

If you’re interested in incorporating AR and VR into your classroom, it’s a good idea to talk to your staff and IT department first. Planning and troubleshooting is the longest part of implementing AR and VR. Also, think about the age and developmental needs of your students.


Practical learning with AR and VR at Concordia

Are you thinking about a career in nursing or something in the healthcare sector? Concordia offers a variety of rigorous programs to prepare you for the field. If you want to know more, you can book a call with one of our Inquiry Support specialists.

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