’90s throwback: Grand Rapids man shows off Beanie Baby collection

GRAND RAPIDS, me. (WOOD) – Beanie Babies were collected by children and adults alike in the late 1990s. There was a time when collectors thought the pile of beans and fluff they sat on would make them rich.

Nick Surman reached out to News 8 about their large Beanie Baby collection. He wanted to talk about what he had planned for her.

Surman did not collect the Beanie Babies himself. He saw them for sale on Craigslist and bought them for a few hundred dollars from a guy in Rockford.

“It was just kind of a spur of the moment, seemed like a fun thing and yes, here we are,” said Surman.

He showed her the day News 8 visited her at his apartment in northeast Grand Rapids.

“I’m 26. I have nearly 500 beanie babies and obviously there are many advantages and disadvantages – probably more disadvantages than advantages,” joked Surman.

  • Nick Surman’s Beanie Baby Collection. (April 28, 2021)
  • Nick Surman’s Beanie Baby Collection. (April 28, 2021)
  • Nick Surman’s Beanie Baby Collection. (April 28, 2021)

The collection is suitable for a walk back in time.

“I remember having this kid when I was a little kid, basically like on my bed,” said Surman as he picked up a baby beanie that looked like a dog.

He says his current favorite is a turtle, which he called a “passive aggressive turtle”.

“He’s got that crazy little look on his face,” he said.

Nick Surman’s Beanie Baby Turtle, his favorite from his collection. (April 28, 2021)

Surman doesn’t want to keep his newly acquired collection. He has a plan for it.

“I’m looking for some kind of local business that I can work with to bring the ’90s nostalgia back to Grand Rapids and hopefully take it off my hands here,” said Surman.

A toy store? Maybe even a museum? He hopes that the beanies’ next home will allow the nostalgia of the 90s to be shared with all generations.

“I would think that anyone born in the 90s would have had a few beanie babies at some point,” he said, “not necessarily that many.”

The collection is currently for sale on eBay.

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