1 lifeless, at least 3 injured after shooting in southwest Grand Rapids

GRAND RAPIDS, Michigan (WOOD) – Grand Rapids police responded early Sunday morning to several incidents that they believe may be related to a shooting in the southwest of the city.

At around 3:50 a.m., GRPD received calls about a possible shooting in the Ellsworth Avenue and Goodrich Street area. Upon arriving at the scene, police found a black car with three people in it that went off the street and crashed into a building near the corner of Ellsworth and Goodrich, just down the street from the Founders Brewing Company.

One person in the vehicle was a man who suffered multiple gunshot wounds when it hit the building. Despite the police’s efforts to save his life, he died on the spot from his injuries.

The other two inmates were slightly injured women.

GRPD officers were also called in to a crash in the Bridge Street NW and Scribner Avenue NW area. All occupants of the car were adults and were slightly injured in the crash. Police believe the occupants of the vehicle may have been involved in the shooting, and investigators are continuing their investigation.

Regardless of those two scenes, police say that some time after the GRPD arrived, a person was dropped off at a local hospital with a gunshot wound. The person had surgery for their wounds and their condition is currently unknown.

Detectives encourage anyone with information to call 616.456.3380 or anonymous tips. to send Silent observer at 616.774.2345. Videos of each of the incidents can be shared with investigators below [email protected] or on the department’s social media pages.

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