To The Level: Democrat control in Lansing

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — As a new legislative session begins in Lansing so does a new era of leadership with Democrats fully in control of the House, Senate and governor’s office for the first time in 40 years.

Veteran Senator Sean McCann, D-Kalamazoo, is starting his final term in Lansing and his first in the majority. He says the majority is “a new dynamic.”

“Obviously, we’re just starting out of the gate here so I don’t know what all it’s going to hold but I think that it’s not lost on me the history of the moment, the responsibility of the moment to be working to do meaningful things for the state of Michigan regardless of sort of who has the gavel at a particular time, we want to have bipartisan efforts that move the state forward,” he said.

Plus, we’ll talk to two freshman legislators as well as Michigan’s senior US Senator about her decision to retire at the end of her current term in two years on this “To The Point” episode for the weekend of Jan. 14.

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