Grand Rapids Brewing Co. reopens on Saturday

GRAND RAPIDS, me. (WOOD) – It’s a new era for Grand Rapids Brewing Company. The restaurant officially reopened on Saturday after it closed in November when state restrictions came into effect.

“We are well pumped. We can’t wait to open the doors. It’s been a long time, “said Shawn Blonk, vice president of operations. “(We) are thrilled to be able to offer jobs to great people again and serve great beer and food.”

Blonk says they decided to shut down completely last year when indoor eating was no longer allowed due to the pandemic.

“When we last shut down in November, we decided to stay shut down, so to speak, and just press the reset button from top to bottom,” said Blonk. “It made more sense for us to keep quiet and just revise everything we were doing.”

Now, more than four months later, this revision is in effect. Grand Rapids staples have revamped everything from the dining room to the menu to the famous game room. You have both old and new employees on board and are looking for another 20 employees.

“It was just good to see the people here again and to be able to serve the people in our community,” said Blonk.

Blonk says he’s ready for this new era to show West Michigan what they have got.

“We are ready so we have a lot of space and a lot of new things to offer,” said Blonk.

The restaurant officially reopened at 11am on Saturday and all special Mug Club members from last year will get a free membership for 2021.

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