Amber Alert marks 20 years since first use in Michigan

(CBS DETROIT)– It’s a notification nobody ever wants to receive. That said, when it comes, it’s an important one.

January 13th marked the 27th annual Amber Alert Awareness Day.

The system was created in 1996 and came to Michigan in 2001. The first instance of its use was in 2003, marking 20 years since its first use in the state.

“Nobody pays attention to car alarms because they’re always going off. We don’t want that with an Amber Alert,” says Jolene Hardesty, Missing Persons Coordinator for the Michigan State Police when discussing the vetting process and decisions made when it comes to send out to Amber Alert.

Hardesty says when these alerts go out, people should know that it’s serious. She mentioned the “car alarm theory”, meaning that when these alerts go out, it could be a matter of life or death for the victim.

“If we send out an Amber Alert. We want everybody to pay attention because it’s critical,” says Hardesty.

Luke Laster


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