See what’s happening this summer at the Grand Rapids Public Museum

GRAND RAPIDS, me. (WOOD) – As the summer months approach, it’s time to start thinking about summer camp for your kids. The Grand Rapids Public Museum has so many different ways for your child to have fun, learn, and explore all summer long.

Registration for Camp Curious summer programs at the Grand Rapids Public Museum is now open. Pre-school children up to grade 12 have the opportunity to learn something new this summer. History, science, or culture, the Grand Rapids Public Museum will help your child explore the wonders of the world.

In many of their programs, such as Fossil Hunters, kids can interact with some specimens from the Grand Rapids Public Museum, including mastodon teeth, beaver skulls, shark teeth, and fox skins. In addition, children have the opportunity to interact with Slimy Science to create good experiments or to test their technical skills with Legos in Dream it, Build it.

This year the museum is offering both small groups face-to-face meetings, as well as virtual classes These offer the same unique topics in a fun and engaging way to keep your child engaged and learning. With all of this and more, you don’t want to miss a summer at the Grand Rapids Public Museum! To enroll your child in one of the fun classes, click Here or just visit reserve these tickets.

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