New Grand Rapids festival to mix artwork, music, science, technology

GRAND RAPIDS, Michigan (WOOD) – The Confluence Festival, a multi-day festival that organizers say will highlight the convergence of art, music, science and technology, will take place in Grand Rapids this September.

The festival will take place in Calder Plaza from September 23rd to 25th. All events are free and public.

“Confluence means things come together, so this is a perfect title for this event as it fits the theme perfectly,” said Brian Cohen, managing partner at Confluence CCG.

For three days, the Confluence Festival will transform Calder Plaza and showcase what West Michigan communities have to offer. The organizers say the festival will feature:

  • A music showcase;
  • A series of thoughts focused on health and wellness;
  • An innovation showcase with high-tech start-ups;
  • A maker expo with do-it-yourselfers;
  • A STEAM-based adventure land for kids called Future Innovators Zone;
  • “A 360-degree multisensory art takeover from Calder Plaza.”

“We have different programs that examine information and technology in all of these different areas and see what happens when you take innovation in all of these areas and bring them together,” Cohen said.

You can find more information and the latest updates about the festival on-line.

Art award, the world’s largest art competition, returns this year and runs from September 16 to October 3.

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