Blizzard can’t stop Grand Rapids wedding

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — The blizzard couldn’t stop a couple from getting married Friday afternoon in Grand Rapids.

Aaron Schuitma and Gabrielle Sweezie had considered getting married in the summer but decided they didn’t want to wait until 2023. With the backlog of weddings from COVID-19, December made sense for them to book.

The couple wanted a winter wedding, and with winds, snow and frigid temperatures, they got just that.

“I think it kind of like makes for a scenic day,” Aaron Schuitma, groom, said. “In terms of preparing for a blizzard or wanting a blizzard, I had no way of knowing six months out that there was going to be one but she really wanted snow for the day.”

“I am a Christmas baby. I was born on the 28th of December. I’ve always loved Christmas. I’m part Christmas eleven. I like to joke about,” Gabrielle Sweezie, bride, said.

When the couple heard the forecast for a blizzard they decided to adapt and still enjoy the day.

“I’ve joked about ‘I hope it blizzards on my wedding day’ for the last nine months and I think God heard my prayer, but I was asking to start maybe 15 minutes after the ceremony had ended not 24 hours before,” she said.

  • The blizzard couldn’t stop a couple from getting married on Dec. 23, 2022, at Grand Rapids.
  • The blizzard couldn’t stop a couple from getting married on Dec. 23, 2022, at Grand Rapids.

Many family members and guests moved up their travel plans and they only had a few cancellations.

“Everyone else, they came in fine, came in a day early. I had some friends from Chicago that were gonna come this morning but they ended up coming a day early, so it kind of released some of that stress from my mind. Worrying about them,” Aaron Schuitma said.

Most of all, the new husband and wife were happy so many of their loved ones were still willing to figure out a way to attend.

“We’re both blessed just to have amazing people in our lives that would come to this even you know rain or shine or a blizzard,” Aaron Schuitma said.

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